~~歡迎你來到 Real Botany 的芳療護膚手作生活~~
由國際芳療師協會 IFA(UK) 註冊香薰治療師,英國 UKPA 調香師 Zoe Chong 創辦。Real Botany 是一家香港的芳療及天然護膚DIY材料一站式網上平台。
這裡齊集你所需要的 DIY 天然芳療護膚品,及化妝品原材料、包括芳療香薰精油、純植物純露、天然基礎油、調配工具、包裝瓶罐等。貨品種類繁多,所有產品由外國嚴選采購,以最優惠價直銷到你手中。不必再貨比三家。更開辦芳療精油班,手調香水班,手工皂班,手工香薰蠟燭班。
讓你輕鬆踏入手作生活的大門,跟著 Real Botany,愛上自己動手DIY 吧﹗
~~ Welcome to Real Botany online shop ~~
Real Botany is a registered business in Hong Kong, specializes in selling Aromatherapy and Cosmetic Ingredients to our valued customers via online platform. Our products are carefully sourced directly from our manufacturering partners worldwide, all products must compliance with recognized safety standards to ensure best quality and traceability.
We accept international orders, please register an account in our website, and place your order directly in shopping cart.
電話﹕+852 9762 4526